Category: Uncategorized

Shows a narrow collection of digital images for a journal page.

Artella Activities

Artellaland – Your Map to Creative Activity

I’m in a program where exploring the vision of a new project in an art journal. My new mini-assignment is to share one of my art journal pages with someone I trust.  The project I’m focusing on is  (add your short description here.)  This journal page I’m sending is a visual exploration of how to get motivated to exercise when dealing with chronic pain.  Thank you for being a safe and supportive place I can share.

I’ve chosen a unique format for the journal which accommodates the Artella style for quick prompts, intuitive responses, a combination of text and images, a mix of digital and hand drawn images, provide for short answers to prompts. The paper is 5 in by 14 inches, folded in half to give four pages. I will later bind these ‘signatures’ into a book. Meantime they are easy to modify, the order is flexible, and there are extra pages for afterthoughts.

An example of a journal page.

Exercise is beneficial for everyone, including those with disabilities.

Here are five reasons why it’s important for
disabled people to engage in physical activity.
What’s one tiny thing you can do to create momentum?
Exercise controls health conditions.
Exercise boosts energy levels.
Exercise improves your mood.
Exercise improves brain health.
Exercise improves sleep habits.
It can help reduce pain.
It makes you feel more productive.
It lowers your cholesterol.
Set a schedule
Stick to it
Track your progress
Use positive affirmations
Mark small steps with illustrations in bullet form.
Set up exercise stations
Obtain new equipment
Imagine the future easier flow

List motivations

What’s one tiny thing you can do to create momentum?

Bring Creativity Into Your Day

Keen Observation Skills Are the Key to Creativity

Creativity is all around us and each of us has the ability to be creative – it’s just a part of who we are. Sometimes it comes easy and sometimes it doesn’t. If the latter is the case for you and creativity seems challenging, it doesn’t have to be. All you need to do is train yourself to be creative and you’d be surprised that it can be as simple as practicing your powers of observation and becoming better aware of your surroundings.

Here are some tips you can try that will help you improve your observation skills that will in turn help improve your creative skills.

Pay attention to details – this one requires you to slow down and be mindful about what you’re doing and where you are. For example, when you get dressed, pay attention to what you do first, second and so on. Linear people like step by step processes.

When you leave your house, look at and notice the color of the door. Little things like this will help you learn to be present in the moment, no matter what you’re doing and this can carry over into creativity. When you’re mindful of what you’re doing, you see things in a different light and your creativity begins to come alive.

Do something different – sometimes all it takes to not only hone your observation skills, but to also get the creative juices flowing, is to simply take the time to do something different. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate like running off and taking an exotic vacation, though. It can be something as simple as visiting a new place locally you’ve never seen before. When you do something new, you’re more aware of what’s going on around you because you’re paying closer attention while observing what it is you see, smell, hear, feel and taste.

Go to a park, coffee shop or some other public place with a pen and notepad – this one is fun because people watching can be very interesting. Set aside some time to head to a nearby park (or anywhere public) and observe those around you. Pay attention to how they walk, what they’re wearing, and how they interact with others. Be prepared with an answer if someone asks what you are doing. Anticipation is another way to bring creativity into your day.

As you observe people in the public setting, begin to write down different details. Pay attention to your senses and write about things you see, hear and smell. Don’t spend too much time thinking, just write whatever pops into your head. Again, not only does this help you improve your observation skills, it helps you learn to focus and be mindful of what’s going on around you. And as you do this exercise and begin writing, you’ll start using those creative thinking brain muscles that need to be exercised.

Being mindful and observant is a skill we can all improve upon. Too often we go through life missing many of the details, but if you make it a point to notice what’s happening around you, you’ll soon find many creative ways to use what you learn in your writing, artwork, or other creative endeavors. Please feel free to comment on this after trying it out.